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CBC (Cannabichromene) rounds out the five major cannabioids (including THC, CBD, CBG, CBN) as arguably the least marketed or understood.

Occuring most in tropical varieties, its carboxyl parent, CBCA is a product of the precursor cannabinoid CBGA which synthesizes to CBDA (primarily in hemp), THCA (primarily in marijuana), and CBCA (secondarily in both) over the course of the plant’s maturation process. Applying heat or light decarboxylates CBCA into its most usable form, CBC.

Like most cannabinoids, CBC & CBCA do not get their user high; but unlike most cannabinoids, CBC is also shown to bond with other recepters in the body, outside the typical endocannabinoid system.

This out-of-system binding has ignited further interest in CBC/CBCA’s entourage effect potential, beyond THC and CBD’s observed synergistic effect of the same name.

Potential Uses & Benefits

With similar anti-pain, anti-anxiety, anti-depression, and anti-inflammation properties to match most of its cannabinoid cohort, CBC also exhibits a few other exciting effects: 

First, as the only major cannabinoid to bind with receptors outside the endocannabinoid system, researchers are excited about CBC’s potential at enhancing the effect of other cannabinoid treatments. Also, it may accutely boost its users mood, as well as inhibit both tumor and acne growth.

There’s much to be excited about, but even more yet to learn about CBC’s potential.

White CBG in field

A synthesis product of CBGA alongside THCA and CBDA, CBCA is produced in relatively-low quantities in most hemp and marijuana strains. CBCA and CBC occur most prevalent in marijuana strains grown in the tropics.

In-Demand Terpenes

  • Myrcene
  • Humelene
  • Caryophyllene
  • Pinene
  • Limonene
  • Linanool

Cannabinoid Pre-Cursors

Synthesized Cannabinoids

Oxidized Cannabinoids